Here are some articles we saw in the Louisiana Journal that made us laugh!

We take weather forecasts for granted. For most of history, people could only report on the weather after it happened. It makes you wonder… what is the point of reporting how the weather has been if everyone already experienced it?

Louisiana Journal – July 9, 1870
The Weather. – No one here need be told that the weather is hot. It has been drawn over the coals, red hot coals too, by somebody. We shall not attempt in any way to animadvert upon the state of affairs which now surround us. We may swear we will never submit, but somehow the mercury crawls up into the nineties everyday. It is the general opinion warmly and frequently expressed in doors, and on the street, that the weather is hot.

Who knew that black stockings were so offensive?

Louisiana Journal –March 6, 1869
A gentleman up the country complains that during the muddy times the ladies wore black stockings, and that the sight was so abominable to some gentlemen that they had to wear goggles to keep from seeing the ladies’ stockings. A more abominable practice than wearing black stockings is practiced by some young ladies down this way, who have the “big leg” on the brain. They resort to stuffing their stockings. Coming up stairs into our office a few days ago, we met two girls making no effort to conceal their pedal extremities, whose stockings appeared to be out of shape. It was an abominable sight to us and we very much regret that our eyes were not covered with goggles at the time. If young ladies only knew how much such exhibitions lower them in the estimation of all right-thinking persons they would quit it at once. It is not decent and tends to lower the standard of virtue. Nothing so much adorns a lady as modesty.

Here are some stories of a few very colorful characters from Louisiana!

Louisiana Journal – January 1874
A Nuisance – A Man by the name of Brown, said to be partially crazy from the inordinate use of strong drink, and one of the most homely specimens of the genus homo, we have seen in a long while, has been making himself a very disagreeable nuisance in our city for some days past, and should be abated. His extreme ugliness is, of itself, sufficient to terrify any one of ordinary courage, but this, probably being no fault of his, could be tolerated, if his conduct was ordinarily civil. But he goes about in a threatening manner, using language not proper to be used, and demeaning himself like one intent upon harm; and conducts himself so grossly improper as to frighten ladies and drive them from the streets. He has been put in the calaboose several times but without effect. If he has any friends we suggest they take charge of him. If he is crazy he should be sent to the Asylum. It is not right that he should be allowed the free use of our streets for the display of his whisky lunacy.

Louisiana Journal – January 1, 1891
Viola Dixon, the notorious prostitute and general disturber of the peace, was again up before the recorder on Tuesday for fighting, and was at first fined $5, which was afterwards increased to $10 for using insolent language to his honor. With costs added, amounting in round numbers to $18.15, the Dixon woman was unable to liquidate and she languished in the lockup feeding on cold bread and still colder water until bailed out by her followers.
(We noted they did not mention who her followers were!)

Louisiana Journal – Competing advertisements which ran in January 1874. We particularly like the changes in the man’s face. He looks twenty years younger in 30 days!!

Louisiana Journal – December 14, 1882
Somebody stole all the clothes from Doctor Birkhead’s clothes line Monday night. All the Baby’s wardrobe was appropriated. His own underwear also disappeared, The thief is respectfully requested to come back and get the clothesline. It is but a naked reminiscence.